Leetcode-1850-Department Top Three Salaries
Runtime: 330 ms, faster than 99.95% of MySQL online submissions for Department Top Three Salaries.
SELECT @Rank := 0, @Sal := null, @Type := null
Merge the table of Department into the table of Employee and sort employee with salary and department.
SELECT D.Name Department, E.Name Employee, E.Salary Salary FROM Employee E INNER JOIN Department D ON E.DepartmentId = D.Id ORDER BY E.DepartmentId, E.Salary DESC
Number employees by salary and department.
` IF(@Type = Department, CASE WHEN @Sal = Salary THEN @Rank WHEN @Sal := Salary or 1 THEN @Rank := @Rank + 1 END, @Rank := 1)`
Obtain the top three salaries of the employees in different departments.
The details of the code of solution are as flows:
SELECT Department, Employee, Salary
IF(@Type = Department,
WHEN @Sal = Salary THEN @Rank
WHEN @Sal := Salary or 1 THEN @Rank := @Rank + 1
@Rank := 1) AS Rank,
@Type := Department Department,
@Sal := Salary Salary
FROM (SELECT @Rank := 0, @Sal := null, @Type := null) R, (SELECT D.Name Department, E.Name Employee, E.Salary Salary FROM Employee E INNER JOIN Department D ON E.DepartmentId = D.Id ORDER BY E.DepartmentId, E.Salary DESC) ED
) EDS WHERE Rank = 1 or Rank = 2 or Rank = 3